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Intergenerational Mass: A Celebration of Youth and Wisdom

Basilica of Ta' Pinu Ta' Pinu Road, Għarb, Gozo, Malta

An intergenerational mass will be held at Ta' Pinu, featuring a children's choir from Sannat Primary School singing alongside our senior citizens. This intergenerational celebration unites different generations in a spirit of unity and community. All senior citizens are invited to attend this uplifting and heartwarming event. Transport will be provided from every village square, departing from the usual meeting...


Tifkira Tal-Għarqa

Gozo Channel Mġarr, Gozo, Malta

The National and Regional Celebrations Committee and The Ministry for Gozo and Planning cordially invites you to attend the Mass and Ceremony in commemoration of the Drowning Tragedy that occurred on the 30th October 1948. The event will be presided over by the Hon. Clint Camilleri, Minister for Gozo and Planning, on Sunday, 27 October 2024. Departure is scheduled for...


It-Tfal Tal-Fontana Jiċċelebraw Lill-Qaddisin

Fontana Parish Church Fontana, Gozo, Malta

The children honor the saints by attending mass with their families, dressed as their favorite saint. They may also bring pictures, statues, or other representations of the saints.


Quddiesa Fiċ-Ċimiterju – Żebbuġ

Żebbuġ Cemetery Żebbuġ, Gozo, Malta

Join us for a heartfelt mass with Fr. Krystof Buttiġieġ at Żebbuġ cemetery during this sacred month dedicated to the souls.


Lectio Divina – Bibbja

Għasri Parish Church Parish Church, Għasri, Malta

Together, we will delve into the heart of the Holy Scriptures, beginning with Genesis and moving through Exodus and each sacred text that follows. This journey allows us to explore the profound messages of the Bible and experience renewal in our spirits. This is an opportunity for adult reflection and catechesis, a valuable means to draw closer to the Lord...


Konferenza fuq Il-Papa Benedittu XVI

Sacred Heart Seminary Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Il-Fondazzjoni Ħajja F'Għawdex is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a conference on Pope Benedict XVI, centered around the theme "Christianity as Hope for Today's World." The event will feature several speakers who will explore this topic through the lens of Pope Benedict XVI's Magisterium, marking the two-year anniversary of his passing.

Event Series Christmas Loading

Christmas Loading

St George's Basilica Charity Street, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Our group organizes weekly gatherings for adolescents and teens at St. George's Basilica, and we are excited to kick off the Christmas season with a special fundraising event. This soul-enriching two-day event will feature homemade baked goods, burgers, hot dogs, crepes, and warm beverages, as well as fun Christmas activities for children, including crafts, storytelling, and temporary tattoos. We will...


Event Series Christmas Loading

Christmas Loading

St George's Basilica Charity Street, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Our group organizes weekly gatherings for adolescents and teens at St. George's Basilica, and we are excited to kick off the Christmas season with a special fundraising event. This soul-enriching two-day event will feature homemade baked goods, burgers, hot dogs, crepes, and warm beverages, as well as fun Christmas activities for children, including crafts, storytelling, and temporary tattoos. We will...

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