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Nippreparaw fi Żmien ir-Randan

Church of Our Lady of Pompei Triq Enrico Mizzi, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Feature letterarju dwar kif fi żmien ir-Randan nippreparaw għall-Passjoni ta’ Ġesù miktub mill-Kav. Joe M. Attard akkumpanjat minn siltiet mużikali ta’ kompożituri lokali li jindaqqu minn Allegro Clefs Band, kant minn solisti ċkejkna bil-kurunetta, bl-althorn u bl-ewfonju, kif ukoll pjanista. Fl-istess waqt se jkun hemm ukoll esibizzjoni ta’ statwetti tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira.    

The Lent Period, as a Preparation

Church of Our Lady of Pompei Triq Enrico Mizzi, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

A thought-provoking feature about the Lenten season, written by Chev. Joe M. Attard, will be accompanied by the Allegro Clefs Band's rendition of musical compositions by local artists. The event will also feature solo performances by young musicians on trumpet, althorn, euphonium, and piano. Additionally, an exhibition of exquisitely crafted statuettes depicting scenes from the Passion of Jesus Christ will...

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