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Hic Est Home – ‘Hawn hu il-bniedem’

Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

The Victory Philharmonic Society will be performing a program of sacred music and funeral marches under the direction of Mro Marvin Grech at The Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady, Xagħra on Saturday the 16th of March 2024.

O Holy Night

Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

An evening of Christmas music presented by the Santa Ċeċilja Foundation, under the direction of Antoine Mercieca, and featuring soloists Ruth Sammut Casingena, Rosabelle Bianchi, Charles Vincenti (Tenor), and Louis Andrew Cassar (Baritone).

Festa Ta’ Santa Ċeċilja Xagħra

Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

The locality of Xaghra celebrates the feast of 'St. Ċecilja' patron saint of musicians with a band march from Victory Band Xaghra with the collaboration of Gozo's Regional Bands Committee. Afterwards, a celebration mass will be held at Xaghra's Basilica.

Akkademja Mużikali – fl-Okkażjoni tal-125 sena mit-Twaqqif tas-Soċjetá Filarmonika Victory

Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

MT Ċerimonja kommemorattiva fejn ser inkunu niċċelebraw il-125 sena mit-twaqqif tas-Soċjetá Filarmonika Victory u anke nroddu ħajr lis-Surmast Direttur Mro.Joseph Galea li se jkun qed jidderieġi għal l-aħħar darba bħala Surmast Direttur tal-Banda Victory, fejn ilu fit-tmexxija tal-Banda għal dawn l-aħħar tletin sena (1993-2023). Fl-istess ċerimonja s-Surmast Galea ħa jkun qed jgħaddi t-tmexxija tal-Banda Victory lis-Surmast Marvin Grech. Nifirħu lil...


Oratorio Nativitas Mariae

Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

A music evening at the Xaghra Parish Church, part of the village feast

Ħruġ tal-Bambina min-Niċċa

Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady Xagħra, Gozo, Malta

The statue of the Nativity of Our Lady in Xaghra will be brought out of the niche, marking the commencement of the village feast.

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