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Ħtija Tiegħi

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.
January 19, 2024


A walking route to 14 countryside lanes setting the stage for 14 artistic elements in charming village of San Lawrenz, Gozo
January 19, 2024

Kappella Ave Spes Unica A.D 2012

A holy week exhibition in the heart of Victoria consisting of a set of Holy Week statues and other artifacts related to this period in the Christian Calendar.
January 17, 2024


The Sannat Local Council presents a contemporary open air drama written by Bro. John Abela O.F.M, which relates the passion and death of Our Lord to the modern age.
January 12, 2024

Vera Icon

Fondazzjoni Santa Ċecilia A.D 2013 presents a concert of 'marcia funebre' composed and directed by Mro Antione Mercieca which will be accompanying reflections on the passion of Our Lord written by Mr Mario Borg.
January 12, 2024

Il-Ġirja t’Għawdex 2024

Have you ever been to the beautiful island of Gozo? If yes, we welcome you once again. If not, now is the perfect time to combine your trip with a run (or walk) and feel refreshed, energized, and ready to go! Located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Gozo provides visitors with some of the most picturesque and idyllic…
January 8, 2024

Celebratory Events – IL-Ħaġar – Heart of Gozo

Attend a Thanksgiving High Mass celebrated by Mgr Dr Joseph Farrugia with the participation of the Laudate Pueri  Choir. This will be followed by the 11th Anniversary Celebratory Luncheon at Ta' Frenċ Restaurant at 12.30. booking is essential
January 5, 2024
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