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“It-Tieġ ta’ Karmena Abdilla”

Calling all theatre lovers and those who cherish Maltese comedy! This year, join us at the Don Bosco Oratory Theatre in Gozo for a special tribute to the legendary Charles Clews, 15 years after his passing. Clews, a master of wit and laughter, left an indelible mark on Maltese theatre, and Gozo held a special place in his heart. To…
February 7, 2024

LUX Crucificux – Dawl tal-Imsallab

Mixegħla bix-xemgħat u effetti tad-dawl, flimkien ma’ simboli reliġjużi fit-toroq u s-sqaqien fl-inħawi ta’ madwar il-knisja parrokkjali, li bihom tinħoloq atmosfera unika relatata mal-jiem tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa. 
February 1, 2024

Agnus Dei

Join us for a concert of classic Lenten music concert by the Schola Cantorum Jubilate.
January 25, 2024


An exhibition of miniature antique Holy Week clay statuettes. The set is made up of miniatures of the statues one finds in different churches in Gozo . Other items/artifacts related to Holy Week will also be part of the display.
January 25, 2024


An exhibition of statues and paintings, in their majority works by local artists, related to the Passion of Our Lord. An important part of the exhibition will be dedicated to the episode of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Apart from these miniature statues, there will also be on display the life-size statue - made by Ġużeppi Sagona & Vincenzo…
January 25, 2024

Crux Redemptoris

Join us for a sacred music concert by the ITE AD JOSEPH BAND under the baton of Mro Mark Gauci as part of the Holy Week activities in Qala
January 23, 2024

Seven Last Words

The concert will be split into four main acts starting from a reflective piece symbolising Christ’s struggle in the Getsemani Orchard through the melodies of Josef Suk’s Meditations. This is followed by Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata which as a funerary piece highlights the impending doom of the carrying of the cross. Haydn’s Seven Last Words will then bring forth the feeling…
January 23, 2024

At The Cross

Join us for a unique and soulful music concert by Rebecca & The Passengers accompanied by Angel Voices.
January 23, 2024

Sancti Gregorii

A sacred music concert by the St Gregory Band under the baton of Mro Mark Gauci, on the occasion of the liturgical feast of St Gregory The Great, patron saint of the village of Keċem
January 19, 2024
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