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Choral Concert of Sacred Music

Join us for a wonderful choral concert at St Margaret Parish Church at Ta' Sannat, Gozo, on Sat. 20th July at 8.00pm.  The choir will sing short sacred works ranging from the early Baroque to the present day, some "a cappella" while others accompanied on the Cavalli pipe organ restored in 2022. Four short organ solos will also be played. The last piece in…

The Social Structure of 18th Century Gozo

Calling out to all Gozo history lovers! Join us for lecture by Mr Kurt Cassar as new material from different archives is exposed on the social structure of 18th century Gozo. What was the society like in 18th century Gozo? Who held the reins of power.
March 13, 2024

Kollox tnejn tnejn, wieħed il-maqlub tal-ieħor.

JUM IL-ĦAJJA f’DAR ĠUŻEPPA DEBONO Fl-okkażjoni tat-38 Anniversarju mit-twaqqif tagħha Taħdita ta’ formazzjoni bit-tema: “KOLLOX TNEJN TNEJN, WIEĦED IL-MAQLUB TAL-IEĦOR” (Bin Sirak 42:24) JIEĦDU SEHEM: Mons. Arċ. Joseph Sultana Prof. Jean Calleja Agius L-Isqof Anton Teuma NHAR IS-SIBT 3 TA’ FRAR 2024 f’DĠD mill-4.30pm ’il quddiem Wara jkun hemm bibita
January 31, 2024

Sancti Gregorii

A sacred music concert by the St Gregory Band under the baton of Mro Mark Gauci, on the occasion of the liturgical feast of St Gregory The Great, patron saint of the village of Keċem
January 19, 2024

Feast of St Anthony the Abbot – Xagħra

Join us in celebrating the feast of St Anthony the Abbot in the village of Xagħra. Visit this centuries old chapel dedicated to this saint, join in the liturgical functions and other activities related to the feast. Highlight of the feast is the procession with statue, accompanied by confraternities and the local windband, followed by the  traditional blessing blessing of…
January 12, 2024

Ghajnsielem Village Feast

Village feasts are the calendar of Gozo’s Summer. Experience the sight, sounds and tastes of a typical village feast; this weekend in the village of Ghajnsielem. Discover the beauty of the parish Church in all its splendour; a living monument of the villagers love for their patron saint. In the evening, the statue of Our Lady of Loreto will be…
August 6, 2023

Ghajnsielem Village Feast

Village feats are the calendar of Gozo’s Summer. Experience the sight, sounds and tastes of a typical village feast; this weekend in the village of Ghajnsielem. Discover the beauty of the parish Church in all its splendour; a living monument of the villagers love for their patron saint. Visitors will surely enjoy the festive tunes of the local wind bands…
August 6, 2023
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