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Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

L-Imsallab fi Triqatna – 24th Edition

Don Bosco Oratory St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Join us in a unique experience as sites and streets in the heart of Victoria, become the backdrop for a street-theatre pageant narrating the passion of Our Lord.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

Event Series Ħtija Tiegħi

Ħtija Tiegħi

St Augustine Convent St Augustine Square, Victoria, Gozo, Malta

Visit this unique Holy Week exhibition in a 16th century convent, display different artworks by different local artists and artifacts related to Holy Week.

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