- Events
- Religious
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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S Sun
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Festa F’Ġieħ Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova
Festa F’Ġieħ Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova
Ċelebrazzjoni tal -Festa f'Ġieħ Sant' Antin ta' Padova fil-Knisja tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani Għajnsielem f' Għeluq il mitt sena ta' l-istatwa titulari 1923 - 2023. Matul dawn il-ġranet nersqu b’ħeġġa għas-sagramenti ħalli l-festa tad-Duttur Evanġeliku tħalli frott spiritwali. Matul il-ġimgħa tal-Festa jkantaw Loredana u Albert-Lauren Agius. Fil-ġranet ta’ Tridu jkanta l-Kor Sant’Antnin immexxi mis-Sur Tony Galea. Lejliet u nhar il-Festa tieħu sehem l-Orkestra...
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Feature Fontana
Feature Fontana
On the centenary of its creation by the acclaimed artist Wistin Camilleri, this upcoming production shall showcase a compelling historical documentary centred around the iconic Sacred Heart of Jesus statue. The editing and assembly of this feature was executed professionally in the studios of CVC media.
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Ikla Tradizzjonali tal-festa Xewkija
Ikla Tradizzjonali tal-festa Xewkija
Traditional dinner feast with special guest Rebecca and the Passengers.
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Ta’ Pinu Infiorata
Ta’ Pinu Infiorata
Ta Pinu Infiorata is being held at Ta Pinu National Shrine, Gharb on Thursday 22nd June at 5:00pm
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Faith Over Fear
Faith Over Fear
This exciting occasion, organized by youth, will feature a variety of activities including games, drama, dance, and opportunities to share life experiences on the event’s theme. Our esteemed host for the event will be Mark Laurence Zammit, alongside our enthusiastic youth. F’dan l-avveniment, organizzat miż-żgħażagħ wieħed jista’ jsib varjetà ta’ attivitajiet bħal logħob, drama, żfin, u qsim ta’ esperjenzi fuq...
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Nadur Village Feast
Nadur Village Feast
On the eve of the feast of St Peter and St Paul, known locally as Mnarja, the village of Nadur is the place to be!!!! The evening starts with local wind bands playing joyful tunes along the core village streets, with youths celebrating and chanting the local hymns. This will be a unique opportunity to visit Nadur's Parish church as...
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Nadur Village Feast
Nadur Village Feast
Experience the beauty of a traditional feast in the village of Nadur as it celebrates the Mnarja ! The day will be filled with religious functions, local wind bands playing joyful tunes in the village core and fireworks. The highlights of the day will be the morning march which starts at 11.30 am!. In the evening, the titular statue of...
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